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J Susan Aitken
Nov 16, 2019
Time is Ticking
As if you needed reminding that Christmas is just around the corner! Nah, you have time for the Christmas stuff - Thanksgiving isn't even...

J Susan Aitken
Jun 7, 2019
An Exhibit to See!
The bright greens and temperatures in the 70's gives evidence that Michigan can finally say that spring has sprung! And with spring, the...

J Susan Aitken
Mar 1, 2019
Art Exhibition Opens!
The exhibit goes up today at the Bennett Civic Center Library! Yay! Other than group shows and the collection at Coffee Bean, this is my...

J Susan Aitken
Jan 30, 2019
Creation Inspires Creation
Snow is piled up outside and the wind bites at our cheeks, but inside my studio I experience the best of two worlds. It's warm and cozy...
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